#105. "Big Baby" series - Maree, Maddie and Chantelle's stories
How does your baby measuring "big" affect your ability to move through the labour and birth process?
In this episode we hear Maree, Maddie and Chantelle's different experiences.
Maree was told that she had a 10% chance of birthing naturally - and she DID, quickly and smoothly to 11 lbs 4 oz (5.1kg) Lily.
Maddie was told she had to have a C Section, but chose induction instead and shares her experience of a positive birth to 10 lbs 5 oz (4.8kgs) Izak.
Chantelle shares her experience of the shock at 40 weeks of discovering her 2nd baby was much larger than her first and how this affected her mindset and her decisions, although she had a very fast and smooth birth to her 10 lbs 14 oz (4.6kg) baby.
If you too have a baby that's measuring "big" these stories can be inspiring for you. If you carrying any fear about this situation please feel free to reach out for support to release this using hypnotherapy techniques to help you feel calm, confident and empowered for your birth.
www.positivebirths.co.nz or email helen@positivebirths.co.nz